Xielrin's Commision

Slot 0/3


1. Make an appointment on when both of us are free and Xiel will do the reading2. you will pay first and send Xiel the screenshot of payment.3. You will tell Xiel what you want to Ask (Relationship, Finance, Career, etc)4. Then Xiel will do the reading ^-^5. Keep in mind that this is not fortune telling, the card is to help you to figure out what you didn't notice and to guide you.6. You make your own decisions, Xiel's only telling you the possibillities and won't tell you what to do.Tarot di gunakan untuk mengetahui apa yang terjadi di bawah alam sadar mu
You make your own decisions


30 Minutes40K$6
1 Hour70K$10
2 Hour100K$20


Before You Buy, Please read The T&C-EN-
1. I don't do Mecha, NSFW, Muscles, Detailed Background, Difficult Pose.
2. I do semi sexy, Nekomimi, prefered females characters.
3. Xiel can refuse/ reject the client if xiel's not capable of doing it, please don't force it, xiel reject it because xiel know that i wont be able to deliver what you expect.
4. There is only 3 Revision During the Sketch.5. Full Payment after Fixed Sketch.6. Please don't tell me to imitate others style.7. i can use the drawing for my own porto.It will Take 3 - 7 Days to Finish per Art-ID-1. Xiel tidak menggambar Mecha, NSFW, Otot, Latar Belakang yang Detail, Pose Sulit.2. Xiel bisa menggambar semi seksi, Nekomimi, lebih cenderung menggambar karakter Wanita.3. Xiel dapat menolak/menolak klien jika xiel tidak mampu melakukannya, tolong jangan paksa, xiel menolaknya karena xiel tahu bahwa Xiel tidak akan dapat memberikan apa yang Anda harapkan.4. Hanya Ada 3 Revisi Selama Sketsa.5. Pembayaran Penuh setelah Sketsa sudah di setujui.6. tolong jangan meminta Xiel untuk meniru art style orang lain.7. Xiel dapat menggunakan gambar yang sudah selesai untuk porto xiel.Dibutuhkan 3 - 7 Hari untuk Menyelesaikan 1 Art
-sesuai antrian-

Bust up65K$10
Half Body80K$15
